One of the current projects the Thunder are working on is the BC Indigenous 7s Championship Proposal in cooperation with BC Rugby and ISPARC. As part of this project it’s important we identify potential coaches and administrators in the 6 regions of BC. If you’re interested contact John Lyall, we’ll be hosting an indigenous coaching and rugby 7s workshop and would like to start a list of those interested in participating.
Thunder Rugby propose to continue to expand its program throughout BC. Indigenous Sport, Physical Activity & Recreation Council (ISPARC) have six unique and geographic locations throughout BC. These include:
• Fraser
• Interior
• Northeast
• Northwest
• Vancouver Coastal
• Vancouver Island
BC Indigenous 7s Championship Proposal
Thunder Rugby propose a BC Indigenous 7s championship in June of 2019 or June of 2020. This event will be a showcase for Indigenous youth playing rugby in BC. BC Rugby & ISPARC would host the tournament. The formation of the teams would come from each region. For example, Thunder Rugby teams would represent Vancouver Island. It is anticipated that each region would forward a team name.
The BC Indigenous 7s would bring together 150 Indigenous athletes vying for the inaugural BC provincial Indigenous 7s championship! It is conceivable that a provincial Indigenous boys & girls team could be selected from the competition.
WHO: U17 (grade 11) boys & girls. Players would self-identify a declaration of Indigenous ancestry. Teams of 12
Indigenous athletes from 6 BC regions: Vancouver Island, Vancouver Coastal, Fraser, Interior, Northeast & Northwest.
WHEN: June 21-23, 2019 or June 19-21, 2020
WHERE: Capilano Rugby Club, North Vancouver, Squamish Traditional territory.
WHY: showcase for Indigenous youth